Attention sales professionals! There is a vacancy in the best team in Berlin Mitte (empirical data will be submitted later). DialogShift is looking for a part-time Junior Sales Manager (m/f/d). Gender, education, background, grades - it doesn't matter, the main thing is that you're nice and cool! And good at selling. 😏

To be honest, our product is impressive and sells itself. DialogShift relieves hotels with AI solutions that automatically answer guest inquiries around the clock in countless languages and at various points of contact with the guest. Our innovative startup from the heart of Berlin develops chatbots that work with the latest technology: Generative AI from OpenAI. Surely you know this technology from ChatGPT. Sounds good? That's not all. With our Email AI, Phone AI and Review AI, we are working on a hotel AI that takes care of all guest communication in a hotel. 🤵🏽‍♀️ Now all that's missing is you.

Your mission at DialogShift 🕵🏼‍♀️

This is you